helen zeik | photography: Blog 2020-03-16T06:47:00Z (C) helen zeik | photography helen zeik | photography a rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day any place else.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2015-07-05T16:32:00Z 2015-07-05T16:32:00Z foggy morning

i love fog.  all photographers do.  one of the best things about living in the berkshires is the immense amount of fog that gets trapped in the valleys between the mountains.  this morning, thanks to the fog, i focused only on what was right in front of me and ordinary sights became striking scenes framed in haze. 

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2015-04-21T14:42:42Z 2015-04-21T14:42:42Z mr. january


that's right!  it's time to put up your Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. calendar!

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2015-01-04T00:51:25Z 2015-01-04T00:51:25Z the one i love the most

this past year, working again with Vested Interest in K9's, Inc., i was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to photograph many of our local K9 teams. as always,  i came away from that experience feeling that i had been given so much more than i could ever give.  so if you are looking for a great gift for a dog lover and would like to support a wonderful organization, check out:  ... oh, and if you're wondering, january & october are my personal favorites.

but i'd like you to meet the one i love the most.  you have probably seen the occasional photo of him scattered around this blog. his name is Milo and he's my own german shepherd. he's 5 years old.  he's a loving & gentle playmate to my children -- and he's a fierce protector of them, too. he's a total goofball with the people he loves but turns into a lion the moment he needs to protect those same people. at 100+ pounds, he still thinks he's my lap dog. he loves his frisbee, playing in the snow (as you'll see below) and going for rides in the car. he is everything that makes a german shepherd the most wonderful companion you could ask for. 




helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2014-11-29T12:44:09Z 2014-11-29T12:44:09Z trick or treat

hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!  here's a few of my black cat and Amelia Earhart ...

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2014-11-01T13:27:58Z 2014-11-01T13:27:58Z autumnal sunshine

" I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying indoors. "   - Nathaniel Hawthorne


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2014-10-06T21:22:50Z 2014-10-06T21:22:50Z so much rain


but she's my sunshine even on the cloudiest days.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2014-07-15T20:50:03Z 2014-07-15T20:50:03Z when work is a pleasure is a joy!

hello all!  it's been a long and cold winter, but spring has finally sprung!  i'm looking forward to what is quickly shaping up to be one of the busiest months i've ever had and i can't wait for every. single. second.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2014-04-27T13:25:56Z 2014-04-27T13:25:56Z happy halloween

costumes inspired by a wonderful afternoon spent pouring over the Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs exhibit  at the Norman Rockwell Museum, and by my daughter's love of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.  happy halloween from the zeik family!

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-10-30T21:45:57Z 2013-10-30T21:45:57Z photoshop fun

when is it okay to turn your little angels into vampires?  Halloween, of course!


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-10-08T14:59:34Z 2013-10-08T14:59:34Z let's go apple picking

it doesn't really matter that the official start of fall isn't for another week, for us it begins when it's time to pick apples!

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-09-16T19:14:06Z 2013-09-16T19:14:06Z to the sea

we finally got to spend a little more time at the beach before the summer ends.  i really do love living in the Berkshires, but Cape Ann is always calling me.  always.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-08-20T11:17:01Z 2013-08-20T11:17:01Z bash bish brook

hazy sun peeks through the thick canopy along our hike up to the falls.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-08-04T13:27:01Z 2013-08-04T13:27:01Z it's about that time

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-07-30T21:07:05Z 2013-07-30T21:07:05Z summer favorites


sitting on the front porch steps with a cup of coffee & Milo by my side as we watch the sunrise.

listening to my kids laugh and play outside.


late dinners on the back porch.

wide open windows.  listening to the birds during the day and the bugs at night.

the smell of freshly cut grass.

long evening walks.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-07-24T20:06:03Z 2013-07-24T20:06:03Z fathers

i have been blessed with many wonderful fathers in my life:

my grandfathers who are no longer with me but i think about very often.

my father-in-law, who is the kindest, sweetest person i've ever known.  seriously.

my dad, who I can talk to for hours & hours about anything.  he has the best laugh.

and my husband who is a wonderful dad to our girls... a bit over-protective, but I love him for that.

happy father's day.



helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-06-16T21:50:38Z 2013-06-16T21:50:38Z time for mine, part 2

today was miss a's turn. black and white this time.  oh, don't let that angelic face fool you, she's a firecracker.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-05-31T23:08:12Z 2013-05-31T23:08:12Z time for mine

it's been a crazy busy, busy crazy few weeks and in that time i haven't taken a single photo of my favorite little girls.  well, i wasn't going to let one more day go by without doing something about that! 

after school, front porch, 2 minutes, 6 shots...   i have no excuses! 

first up, little miss m


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-05-30T21:58:46Z 2013-05-30T21:58:46Z for the love of dogs

through photography, i have met so many wonderful people and had great experiences that i'm sure i wouldn't have otherwise had.  so when an opportunity came up to spend a couple days photographing dogs - and not just ordinary dogs, but K-9 dogs at work - i jumped at the chance.

what an amazing time i had!

thank you to the police officers who so generously allowed me to be a part of their day.  thank you to Sandy and everyone at Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc., an organization dedicated to providing bullet and stab protective vests for K-9′s throughout the United States.  if you would like more information on how you can help this incredible organization, please go to   ...they ROCK!

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-05-20T14:41:31Z 2013-05-20T14:41:31Z the pushover & the mooch



and i am the maid. 

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-05-07T21:50:58Z 2013-05-07T21:50:58Z the cure for everything is salt water

it's true. 


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-04-22T19:04:04Z 2013-04-22T19:04:04Z Boston


"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother's words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers--so many caring people in this world." - Fred Rogers

i had another blog post ready for today, but the Boston Marathon bombing happened this monday and it has been on my mind .  so, i just want to say that my thoughts and prayers are for all those affected and my deep admiration is for those who responded with such bravery and selflessness.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-04-17T15:24:42Z 2013-04-17T15:24:42Z back road

i've been really busy and didn't even get the chance to pick up my camera this week.  after running errands yesterday evening, we took the scenic route back home.  i happened to have my old d40 and a junky kit lens that I keep handy just in case.  so this is our scenic route and a few of our friends we said hi to along the way.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-04-07T22:20:24Z 2013-04-07T22:20:24Z oh... hello there, Spring!

so very happy you could join us.  we've been looking forward to all the fun we'll have together.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-03-30T18:26:09Z 2013-03-30T18:26:09Z light

it could be gorgeous and bright window light...


or the soft glow of fire light (Kindle variety)...

i am completely obsessed with it.  my parents named me well :)

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-03-23T02:22:53Z 2013-03-23T02:22:53Z making the most of it

i am really focused on spring but it seems like mother nature has other plans.  so out we go to play in the snow... again.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-03-08T12:51:46Z 2013-03-08T12:51:46Z simplicity

i know by heart every expression, each wisp of hair, every detail.  over the years and one frame at a time. 

it's always the simple and quiet images that speak to me the most.




helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-02-22T21:34:51Z 2013-02-22T21:34:51Z a girl and her dog

There is no faith which has never yet been broken, except that of a truly faithful dog. - Konrad Lorenz


as a mom and a photographer, one of my greatest joys is witnessing the incredible bond between my children and our german shepherd.

pure joy.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-02-14T18:54:44Z 2013-02-14T18:54:44Z walking the old logging trail

 after all the snow fell and all the shoveling was done,  the sun came out and we decided to take a walk down the old logging trail that runs through the front of our property.

and one last leap off a giant mountain of snow before coming in for hot cocoa. it was the perfect end to a less than perfect weekend.



helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-02-10T23:25:53Z 2013-02-10T23:25:53Z valentine

she leaves them for me every morning.

helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-02-05T13:53:25Z 2013-02-05T13:53:25Z timeless

she's brilliant beyond her years. she's bold and impatient. she always tells you exactly how she feels and knows exactly what you're thinking.

she's curious, interested and focused. she's here to learn but often she will leave you wondering who is teaching whom.

happy birthday, my sweet little girl.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-01-30T14:15:39Z 2013-01-30T14:15:39Z i love a snow day

... and i love shooting in the snow.

mother nature does all the work making everything look beautiful.  

even milo got in on the fun.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-01-16T16:58:10Z 2013-01-16T16:58:10Z happy new year

happy new year, everyone!

on this holiday break, i did lots of reading, eating, playing in the snow, sleeping in and cuddling with my hubby & babies.

oh, and i did manage to squeeze in one family portrait. hope you like it.


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2013-01-01T22:12:32Z 2013-01-01T22:12:32Z find beauty in everything

 UPDATE:  to learn more about the preservation of this historical site, please go to , thank you!


helen zeik | photography (C) helen zeik | photography 2012-12-17T15:32:25Z 2012-12-17T15:32:25Z